Alert boxes —

Alert Boxes

[alert type=»error»]Error — 1Your message![/alert] [alert type=»success»]Success — Your message![/alert] [alert type=»info»]Info — Your message![/alert] [alert type=»notice»]Notice — Your message![/alert]

Get The Code

[alert type="error"]Error - Your message![/alert]
[alert type="success" ]Success - Your message![/alert]
[alert type="info" ]Info - Your message![/alert]
[alert type="notice" ]Notice - Your message![/alert]

Shortcode Description & Attributes:

  • type — sets type of your massage (allowed values: success, error, info, notice).

Начните писать и нажмите кнопку "Ввод" на клавиатуре